The future of artificial intelligence

The future development trend of artificial intelligence

In recent years, artificial intelligence has developed explosively around the world. According to the prediction of the McKinsey Global Institute, the social revolution brought about by AI will be 10 times faster than the industrial revolution, 300 times larger in scale, and almost 3000 times larger in impact . Since 2012, the rate of increase in AI computing power has exceeded the prediction of Moore’s Law, doubling every 3-4 months on average.

In fact, for artificial intelligence, the question people are most concerned about is: When will artificial intelligence surpass human beings? Will humans be replaced by AI? Who will lose their jobs due to AI? Who will live forever? And the question that people are more concerned about is, as a species, can we humans really have the ability to control artificial intelligence that is fully conscious, does not like supervision, and can improve itself?

In previous studies, we used to compare the brain to a computer. After the birth of the Internet, we discovered that the human brain is not a computer, but a computer network. In recent years, artificial intelligence has become closer and closer to humans. If one day, artificial intelligence will be better than us, what should humans do?

In fact, currently some repetitive jobs, such as customer service, cashier, etc., are being replaced in all aspects. And the field of creative work has also seen significant changes. In 2015, the Associated Press used robots to write, and the annual report volume exceeded 1.5 billion, covering fields such as finance, real estate, and sports.

ai adoption strategy

On August 9, 2017, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake occurred in Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China. The robot wrote in 25 seconds, with a total of 540 words and 4 pictures. In 2018, the first novel “The Road” written by AI was born and launched to the market. At present, Airbus uses artificial intelligence instead of human engineers to design aircraft, and the pharmaceutical company Glaxo uses artificial intelligence for drug development, and its work efficiency and task completion quality are better than human engineers.

Artificial intelligence can even make movies. In 2019, the sci-fi short film “Wandering Mind” was a series of production procedures such as script, director, performance, and soundtrack. Most of the films completed by artificial intelligence took only 2 days.

The artificial intelligence industry chain can be divided into basic layer, technical layer and application layer.

In terms of the basic layer: including the improvement of the AI ​​chip market and the big data service market. Self-centered cloud ecological construction, formulating standards to achieve big data exchange and sharing, and big data industry information security.

Technical layer: Including the improvement of intelligent face recognition industry and intelligent speech recognition industry, natural language processing technology, voice processing technology, image processing technology and other artificial intelligence technologies will be integrated with each other.

In terms of application layer: including smart manufacturing, smart security, smart grid, smart medical care, smart customer service, and smart agriculture, the market size will usher in continuous growth. High-tech fields such as automotive/assembly, financial services, and telecommunications, followed by logistics, retail, and media are also in smart applications.

Looking into the future, artificial intelligence will bring more surprises and many unpredictable changes to human society. It is predicted that artificial intelligence will generally present the following development trends in the future:


1. Artificial intelligence technology will accelerate the popularization and application of big data, cloud computing and the Internet of Things

With the advent of the new generation of information technology revolution, artificial intelligence will first be widely used in the Internet field. The integrated development of human driving will greatly improve labor productivity in these fields and promote the rapid development of these fields.

As artificial intelligence becomes more and more mature, it will gradually spread to other fields and continue to develop in depth. From the perspective of future development trends, the development prospects of artificial intelligence are very broad.

2. Artificial intelligence will effectively promote China’s economic transformation and industrial upgrading

At present, my country’s Internet is in the process of shifting from the consumer Internet to the industrial Internet. After empowering traditional industries through the comprehensive application of new-generation technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, China’s industry will show a brand new Industrial Internet.

Due to the extensive use of artificial intelligence, a large number of jobs will inevitably be released in the process of industrial upgrading. At the same time, many backward production capacities will be eliminated. After using modern artificial intelligence production lines, a lot of labor will be saved.

3. Artificial intelligence will become an essential skill for people to work and find employment

With the popularization and development of artificial intelligence, intelligent bodies will gradually enter the production environment. In the future, workers from all walks of life will communicate and cooperate frequently with intelligent bodies during their work. Work requirements.

In every job position in the future, practitioners need to master the theoretical knowledge of artificial intelligence and have relevant operational skills. The same is true for employed persons. Therefore, this also puts forward new requirements for the education market and provides new development opportunities.

4. Artificial intelligence will replace manpower, which will become an inevitable development trend

In the current research process of artificial intelligence, machine learning is the core of industry research and the most fundamental way to realize the goal of artificial intelligence, but it has become the bottleneck of the development of artificial intelligence. The best artificial intelligence can’t compete with the average 4-year-old until it solves the fundamental contradiction of learning.

Now artificial intelligence has replaced simple and repetitive jobs in some industries. With its continuous in-depth development in the future, more jobs may be replaced by artificial intelligence one after another. This is an objective development trend that no one can stop.

5. The brain-computer interface will trigger a technological storm

1. The entry of artificial intelligence into the field of healthcare will trigger an industry revolution and lead to an explosive development of the industry.

The future of artificial intelligence

Recently, Musk announced an important news to the world that the brain-computer interface will be implanted in the human brain within a year. He said that the probability of rejection of the “brain machine” is very small. In principle, the device can repair any brain problem, including vision, treatment of paralysis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Brain-computer interface, simply put, is to implant chips into the human brain. The specific operation method is to use a neurosurgical robot to drill holes in the brain as safely and painlessly as minimally invasive eye surgery, quickly implant chips in the brain, and then directly read brain signals through the USB-C interface, and use Mobile phone remote control.

This technology can be regarded as a milestone breakthrough, which will completely change the way people interact with machines, and then change humans themselves and the whole society. According to reports, this technology has been successfully tested on mice. Sik will have the first chip implanted in a human patient before the end of this year.

2. After the successful realization of the brain-computer interface technology, human beings can control external objects as they like without speaking, just through their minds, and control them with their minds!

For example, when you wake up in the morning, the lights will automatically turn on just by thinking about it. If you want to have breakfast, you can silently make an instruction in your mind, and the coffee machine, omelet machine, and pancake machine will automatically turn on. If you don’t want to get up, you can control the robotic arm to help you to the bed.

3. After the realization of brain-computer interface technology, people can acquire a large amount of knowledge and skills in a short period of time, and obtain superpowers that ordinary humans cannot possess.

The future of artificial intelligence

Memory transplantation is the focus of research in this field. Now, American scientists have discovered the memory code of the brain’s hippocampus, and began to try to use a chip to back up the memory, and then implant the chip into another brain to achieve memory transplantation. Now the experiment has been successful in monkeys.

With this technology, a person who does not know English, French, German and other languages ​​can master 5 or 6 foreign languages ​​in an instant after implanting the chip in the brain.

The ultimate goal of this technology is to transmit a large amount of information to the computer through the brain-computer interface technology, or upload the consciousness of the brain to the computer, and finally realize the immortality of human consciousness and memory in the computer world.

As for whether artificial intelligence can completely replace human beings, the author believes that it is impossible. Although artificial intelligence has initially mastered a certain learning ability (passive learning). Even if artificial intelligence learns to think in the future, that is, it has the ability to learn actively, it still cannot surpass humans. Because artificial intelligence does not have perceptual thinking, it cannot cross the field of consciousness.


#Artificialintelligence is related to the future of mankind and belongs to the cutting-edge technology in the global scientific research field. Its development is closely connected with information technology, computer technology, precision manufacturing technology, and Internet technology. There are too many possibilities for its future, and the extent to which artificial intelligence can develop is inconclusive now, and the answer can only be left to the future.

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