Cyber Security Training Courses in Kenya

If you’re looking to learn the fundamentals of cybersecurity, advance tactics, or prepare for industry-recognized certifications, we’ve got you covered. At an alarming rate, data breaches are occurring. We no longer have to wonder what will happen next, but rather when. It is now necessary for the C-suite to cooperate with IT experts to develop […]

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API Security

The OWASP API Security Top 10

API security Refers to the measures and practices employed to protect APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) from security threats and vulnerabilities. APIs act as a bridge between different software systems, allowing them to communicate and share data. However, they can also become targets for attackers seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to sensitive information

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Artificial Intelligence

Unlocking the Power of Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Curriculum

Unlocking the Power of Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Curriculum. Are you fascinated by the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and eager to delve into its diverse and exciting domains? Today, we are thrilled to share with you a curated curriculum that will equip you with the key topics and skills needed to navigate the world

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What is Phishing? – How to Protect Yourself

Phishing: What It Is and How to Protect Yourself In today’s digital age, we rely heavily on the internet and technology to go about our daily lives. We use email to communicate with friends and colleagues, shop online for products and services, and conduct banking transactions from the comfort of our own homes. While these

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The future of artificial intelligence

The future development trend of artificial intelligence In recent years, artificial intelligence has developed explosively around the world. According to the prediction of the McKinsey Global Institute, the social revolution brought about by AI will be 10 times faster than the industrial revolution, 300 times larger in scale, and almost 3000 times larger in impact

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artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, still confused? Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are topics of interest to business, technology, and researchers worldwide. Most descriptions of artificial intelligence and machine learning oversimplify the real relationship between the two. This article lays the groundwork for your understanding of artificial intelligence, explains how today’s

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The Synergy of AI and Blockchain

What is artificial intelligence (AI)? Artificial intelligence is the ability of computer programs to learn by themselves. It can also be called the science and engineering of intelligent computer programs. These algorithms can understand instructions without human instructions and use large amounts of data to solve problems. Artificial intelligence programs analyze external input data, learn from it, and use this

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confidentiality, integrity and availability

What is Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability – CIA Triad

Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability – What is it? You may have heard information security specialists referring to the “CIA” — but they’re usually not talking about the Central Intelligence Agency. CIA is a widely used benchmark for evaluation of information systems security, focusing on the three core goals of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. Data confidentiality

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ai adoption strategy

AI Adoption Strategy: 5 Strategies for Using Artificial Intelligence to Scale Your Business

AI Adoption Strategy   At present, the expectations and returns of smart technology are still unclear, and data and algorithms need to be constantly updated to consolidate product ideas and investments. 2016 was the year the corporate world began to unleash the potential of artificial intelligence (AI). Just six years ago, artificial intelligence programs were capable

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